

The Downloads AddOn let you organize your Attachment Downloads in a professional manner.


Product Demo

For a product please click here:

How to configure the Docs AddOn correctly?

The Downloads AddOn provides a configuration bar to adapt it to your needs.

Configuration Properties:







Filename Pattern

Filter your attachments by filename using a Java NIO Glob expression.

  • *.jar - Matches all files that has extension as jar.

  • *.{jar,zip} - Matches all files that has extension as jar or zip. { } are used to group patterns and , comma is used to separate patterns.

  • ?.zip - Matches all files that has any single charcter as name and extension as zip.

  • *.* - Matches all files that has . in its name.

  • [xyz].jar - Matches a file name with single character ‘x’ or ‘y’ or ‘z’ and extension as jar. Square brackets [ ] are used to sepcify a character set.

  • [a-c].jar - Matches a file name with single character ‘a’ or ‘b’ or ‘c’ and extension as jar. Hypehen – is used to specify a range and used in [ ]

  • [!a].zip - Matches a file name with single character that is not ‘a’. ! is used for negation.





Filter by attachments labels. Multiple labels are related by OR



Quick Links

In the following are some quick links:


Table of Contents


AddOn Properties



Platform Technology

Atlassian Connect