REST Interface V2

Quickstart: REST Upload

Docs come with a REST Interface for upload documents. This allows continuous delivery of documents using a continuous integration server such as Bamboo or Jenkins. So, documents can be kept on the latest version in Confluence.


REST URL for uploading a packaged doc (-javadoc.jar / .zip) and CREATE a new item in a specific category:

Method: PUT URL: /rest/docs/2.0/repository/{CATEGORY_ID}/{DOC_NAME}


REST URL for uploading a packaged doc (-javadoc.jar / .zip) and UPDATE an existing item: Each document is identified by its unique key. The key consists of two alphanumeric strings separated by a dash (cxxxx-dxxxx).

Method: POST URL: /rest/docs/2.0/repository/{DOC-KEY}


CURL Example

The following is a command-line sample of how to CREATE a Javadoc "lib-javadoc.jar" in the specific category with the identifier "c1075". The confluence installation is available at "".

curl -u username:password --upload-file lib-javadoc.jar


This sample demonstrates how to UPDATE an existing doc using the curl command. The value "c1075-d1082" in the URL is the key of the document to be updated.

curl -u username:password -X POST --upload-file javadoc.jar -H "X-Atlassian-Token: no-check"


Watch the CURL-Upload Video: Confluence Docs Plugin 2.0

Python Script

This is a python sample of how to UPDATE a doc:

import sys import base64 import httplib import urllib # get params keyDoc = sys.argv[1] docFile = sys.argv[2] # server authentication auth = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password)).replace('\n', '') headers = {"X-Atlassian-Token": "nocheck", "Authorization": "Basic %s" % auth, "Content-Type": "application/json"} #update doc conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection("") conn.request("POST", "/rest/docs/2.0/repository/" + keyDoc, open(docFile, "rb"), headers) response = conn.getresponse() conn.close() # finished... print response.status print "-----" print response.reason


Here, the corresponding command-line call for executing the python script above:

python scripts/ "c1075-d1082" "javadoc.jar"



The following is a list of all supported REST endpoints of the Docs Plugin.

Get Repository Details

Return a JSON object representing the menu structure of the docs repository.

Method: GET URL: /rest/docs/2.0/repository/


Create Doc

Upload and create a new doc archive (.zip / .jar) under the defined category.

Method: PUT URL: /rest/docs/2.0/repository/{categroy-id}/{doc-name}


Update Doc

Upload a doc archive (.zip / .jar) and UPDATE the specified (existing) doc.

Method: POST URL: /rest/docs/2.0/repository/{doc-key}


Delete Doc

Delete a specific doc.

Method: DELETE URL: /rest/docs/2.0/repository/{doc-key}


Rename Doc

Rename a doc.

Method: POST URL: /rest/docs/2.0/repository/{doc-key}/{doc-name}


Load Doc Details

Get Details about a specific doc.

Method: GET URL: /rest/docs/2.0/repository/{doc-key}


Load Category Details

Get Details about a specific Category.

Method: GET URL: /rest/docs/2.0/repository/{category-id}


Create Category

Create a new category (menu item) in the repository.

Method: PUT URL: /rest/docs/2.0/repository/{categroy-name}


Link Space Permission

Set a category SpaceKey for permission adjustments. (new in version 2.2)

Method: POST URL: /rest/docs/2.0/repository/{categroy-id}/spacekey/{spaceKey}


Delete Category

Delete a category (menu item).

Method: DELETE URL: /rest/docs/2.0/repository/{categroy-id}


Export Doc as ZIP Archive

Export doc as ZIP Archive. (new in version 2.5.3)

Method: GET URL: /rest/docs/2.0/repository/archive/{doc-key}


Find Category by Name

Find all categories by name. (new in version 2.5.3)

Method: GET URL: /rest/docs/2.0/repository/findByName/{name}


Find Doc in a Category by Name

Find all docs in a category by name. (new in version 2.5.3)

Method: GET URL: /rest/docs/2.0/repository/{categroy-id}/findByName/{name}